Time to Make a Difference!
We are so glad you and your athlete have chosen to be a part of our team this season! As a non-profit organization we rely heavily on donations, sponsors and most importantly volunteer time. Our co-fundraising representatives along with our entire board provide many opportunities for family involvement in fundraisers that help us to run the league for young athletes like yours. As a volunteer run organization YOU are essential to sustaining a strong quality youth football and cheer program. Your volunteerism sets a great example for our players and is a great way to get involved in our community program. Please take a moment to review the following volunteer requirements.
In an effort to make volunteer work more equitable for the entire program, a $25 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT per family will be required. Your deposit will be paid back the same day you serve as a volunteer.
Who can volunteer?
Any family member who is at least 18 years of age can volunteer for any OYH event to satisfy the family volunteer requirement.
Who is exempt?
Coaches and Board of Directors are exempt from the family volunteer requirement.
Volunteer Fee
OYH requires a $25 per family volunteer fee. The fee is collected at the time of registration. Once you volunteer your fee will be refunded. If you chose not to volunteer or miss your volunteer spot you automatically forfeit your deposit.
What are the volunteer requirements?
Families are required to complete 1 volunteer shift at an OYH event throughout each season. Generally speaking, only a set amount of volunteer shifts are available based on the number of home games and the organization’s needs. It is the parent’s responsibility to find a replacement or trade with another parent for a shift if they cannot make it. The volunteer replacement can be anyone at least 18 years old. If a family member fails to show up for an assigned shift that family risks forfeiting the $25 volunteer deposit if no other volunteer opportunities exist.

Choose an opportunity & sign up for your time slots below:
Volunteer Guidelines
- Volunteers should check-in with a board member at concessions and sign on the sign-in sheet to get credit for their volunteer opportunity.
- All volunteers responsible for the shift of that game will report to a board member 10 min before the start of the assigned game/event.
- The last shift of each game day will include closing tasks such as cleaning and putting away equipment.
- Teams must clean up their immediate area (game field and bleachers) after each game. We need to keep our home field clean and set a good example for our visiting players.
How are volunteer requirements determined?
For each home game we are to have 4 volunteers working in concessions, 3 chain gang members, and a trained person on the clock. In addition, OYH has various other opportunities outside of game days to satisfy one of the volunteer requirements for your family.
How are volunteer requirements met?
- Families will be responsible for signing up for a volunteer slot on one of the volunteer sign up pages.
- Weekly volunteer review will occur to ensure our volunteer shifts are being met and parents who are scheduled for that week will be reminded via a Facebook post on our public Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/youtholeanhuskies.
- Rescheduled shifts will need to be coordinated with the Board and updated.